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Nov 30 2022


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Digital Prototyping, laser printing and laser scanning tools to creative industry artists.

Wikipedia defined rapid prototyping as the “automatic construction of physical objects using solid freedom fabrication” Solid freedom fabrication is an umbrella term for a range of often appropriate techniques, which include extrusion, sintering, cutting and printing. So, when we use the term “rapid prototyping”, we are referring to some variant of the aforementioned 3D desktop printer. Another essential process to introduce is Computer Numerical Control (CNC), in which the geometrical form, defined by 2D or 3D CAD drawing, is translated into a tool path and cut out of an existing object or laminate. CNC is not new; 3d printing and CNC technologies are going through a process of rapid miniaturization and are becoming affordable to individuals outside the industry.


As Bruce Sterling states, “generative art and design are alien to all conventional creative methods-it challenged them in the way that a kaleidoscope challenges a telescope”.

The event will be coordinated by the International Hellenic University and … Lab. The scope of the event is to dive together into the art of prototyping, explore the mechanisms that drive rapid technology innovation, get hands-on with digital technology and discuss the latest and most exciting development so our artists can build their creative ideas faster.

The event will be addressed to the 50 Kavala Crea Center artists and live streamed to all 5 Crea Centers. In addition, it will be announced on the project’s website and disseminated through e-mail to the network, the news bulletin and social media.


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